

Investor Perspectives
IASB offers regular updates for investment professionals written by former analysts who are now IASB members, and investor alerts to other items that are likely to be of interest and will be a channel for gathering feedback.

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    ExpandU.S and International Accounting

    • U.S. and International Accounting: Understanding the Differences provides clear and simple examples of the key differences between United States and international accounting standards. The authors demonstrate the variance in accounting rules with illustrations drawn directly from actual corporate balance sheets.
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    ExpandIFRS Accounting Trends & Techniques

    • The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has recently issued a background document on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Read a brief overview by clicking on the links below –
    • Comparisons of reporting requirements under IFRS and U.S. GAAP
    • Statistical tables tracking reporting trends
    • Illustrative excerpts from annual reports
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    ExpandIFRS Compass

    • IT systems issues generated by the IFRS convergence need to be addressed now in order to have the necessary programming and systems in place to meet the requirements of the standards. This book provides a guideline to navigate the intricacies of successful IT systems implementation.
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    ExpandFinancial Reporting Fraud

    • Principles-based International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) may give management an even greater degree of discretion than the more detailed and rules-based U.S. GAAP.
    • Through case studies, Financial Reporting Fraud discusses how to avoid operating on the edge of GAAP or IFRSs permissibility, where internal controls are stretched so heavily, that, left unchecked, even one mistake in a seemingly small area can result in significant and drastic consequences.

IASB Resources

  • International Financial Reporting Standards
  • International Financial Reporting Standards are developed by the International Accounting Standards Board. The following is a list of the standards that were issued at January 1, 2011. Also provided is a link to the consolidated unaccompanied IFRSs (i.e. the core standards, without implementation guidance and the basis for conclusions) in English and the IFRS for SMEs. "

  • IFRS for Small and Medium-sized Entities
  • This self-contained standard is designed to meet the needs and capabilities of small and medium-sized entities, which are estimated to account for over 95% of all companies around the world. Access the standard, basis for conclusions, illustrative financial statements presentation and disclosure checklist can be accessed here.
  • IASB Podcast Summaries
  • The IASB provides audio summaries of Board meetings, project updates and other useful information. These provide a high-level overview of the topic and are designed to be listened to on a computer or downloaded to a digital media player.